Whimsical French painter Virginie Houdet responds to Violante Siries Cerroti's (1709-1783) eye for fashion and finery. Sculptor Mimma Di Stefano stands in conversation her Etruscan-inspired maestro Amalia Ciardi Dupre (b. 1934).

Rea Stavropoulos, Self-portrait, a nod to Elisabeth Chaplin
For UK-Greek artist Rea Stavropoulos, 'the female gaze meets the Oltrarno Gaze' with a book-art installation inspired by four women in the Uffizi's self-portrait collection, with a particular focus on Kathe Kollwitz (1867-1945).

Work by Lyall Harris and Paticia Silva, photo by Alessandra Barucchieri
The starting point for US book artist Lyall Harris and Brazil-born, Florence-based Patricia Silva will be the multi-decade correspondence of twentieth-century painters Fillide Levasti (1883-1966) and Leonetta Cecchi (1882-1977) at Florence's Gabinetto Vieusseux and the Marucellana Library.
Cecchi, a writer as well as an artist, will also inspire the installation of Florentine artist-architect Elena Barthell.

Elena Barthel's studio, Gruppo Fotografico Il Cupolone
Project organisers The British Institute of Florence and Il Palmerino Cultural Association
Oltrarno Gaze 2022 is made possible thanks to a grant by the Advancing Women Artists Legacy Fund, with special thanks to Alice Vogler, Margaret MacKinnon, Donna Malin, Connie Clark, Pam Fortune, Nancy Hunt, Nancy Galliher.
Project conception and coordination
Linda Falcone
Media and communication
Calliope Arts / Restoration Conversations
The Florentine
With the patronage of
Consulate of the United States of America in Florence
Participating partners 'Sotto al British' at the British Institute of Florence, Gruppo Fotografico Il Cupolone APS, 'Creative People in Florence', Freya's Florence, Amalia Ciardi Duprè Museum, Atelier degli Artigianelli and Spazio NOTA with Osservatorio Mestieri d'Arte, FAF collective: Female Artisans in Florence
Participating video makers and photographers: Olga Makarova, Simone Sabatini, Viola Parretti, Alessandra Barucchieri, Valentina Bellini, Cinzia Carmen Cardellicchio, Laura Cervaroli, Maria Grazia Dainelli, Cecilia Franchi, Elisa Fossi, Maria Laura Fineschi, Daniela Giampà, Donatella Piazza, Irene Pini, Antonella Tomassi
Participating artists Elena Barthell, Samuel Leutze Bordley, Amalia Ciardi Dupre, Lydia Chapman, Mimma Di Stefano, Silvia Fossati, Lyall Harris, Virginie Houdet, Marisa Garreffa, Massimo Lippi, Guenda Nocentini, Emily Rogers, Patricia Silvia and Rea Stavropoulos