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The Curators' Quaderno: Issue 3

Women Filmmakers: Trailblazers

A woman wanders the streets of Florence: she is an explorer from a faraway place, making her way to the 'Festival dei Popoli' cinema festival. Who is she and where does she come from? What message does she bring? She is the protagonist of the cover of The Curators' Quaderno Issue 3 and posterchild for the 65th edition of the oldest international documentary film festival in Europe.

What is it like to be a French filmmaker documenting the return of stolen artwork and their journey from France back to the Republic of Benin? How did a Dutch women’s peace movement bring women together in collective action in the 1930s? What role did female partisans from the Balkans play during the Second World War? These and other stories form the core of this edition, created with The Florentine Press, which spotlights the project 'Women Trailblazers in Documentary Cinema', concieved by Calliope Arts, in conjunction with the Festival dei Popoli in 2024.


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