Watch 'Restoration Conversations' at Florence's National Library with co-curator Natacha Fabbri. Live at the exhibition ‘Women of the Sky: From Muses to Scientists’
Premiered 16 May 2024
Join broadcast sponsors Calliope Arts on this 'stellar journey' featuring history's women – both allegorical and real – who dared to seek the stars. Presenter Linda Falcone interviews National Central Library conservator Alessandro Sidoti and Natacha Fabbri, scientific curator from Museo Galileo and co-curator of 'Women of the Skies: From Muses to Scientists', on location at the exhibition. "We begin in the 1500s and follow a path that is long and discontinuous, which is marked by success and by failure," says Fabbri. "We are exploring the progressive introduction of women into the field of Astronomy, and their struggle for equality."
Exhibition organisers: Galileo Museum and the Central National Library of Florence
Co-curators: Natacha Fabbri, Caterina Guiducci and Simona Mammana.
This exhibition enjoys the patronage of the Municipality of Florence, with the support of Regione Toscana, GiovaniSì, InContemporanea, Caserma Archeologica, with thanks to donors Calliope Arts.